“If You Want Things to Change, Change What You’re Doing” Episode – 201 (Subtitles)
How many times do you have to hear? If nothing changes nothing changes. If nothing changes nothing changes, and yet somehow we expect things to change.
If you want to know something about yourself sit on your bed one night and say to yourself. What’s one thing I’m doing wrong? that I know I’m doing wrong that I could fix that I would fix! you meditate on that you’ll get an answer.
What happens when I decide for myself that I’m going to do something different and I have been finding myself more motivated even when I do not feel like doing something to do it my brain can feel a certain way, but it’s not going to choose how I behave all the time. I just can’t let it do it anymore I’m going to have setbacks I know but if I’m feeling bad that doesn’t mean I’m doing bad. That doesn’t mean I am bad, that doesn’t mean that I can’t still take some action because yeah nothing changes and nothing changes man.
Nothing is going to change unless you change what you’re doing. Change the junk food that you’re eating, change the time that you wake up, change what you do when you get out of bed change, what you do with your time. That’s what you need to do you have to change some things or nothing will change because we are scared of what we don’t know and there is only one way to learn and to know and that is to confront that fear.
You have to step you have to go and this simple action this simple attitude it answers so many questions how do you get to the gym every day? You step, you go. How do you how do you change your diet? You step, you go. How do you overcome fear of failure or fear of success or or fear of fear itself you step that’s what you need to do you make those little changes, those little habits that you have you have to change them, those bad habits and you’ll be surprised you’ll be surprised the little things the little changes they add up and they become big things. Change the little things and over time you can change your life. But if you don’t change, what you’re doing? and how you do it? nothing else will change.