“Go All The Way or Don’t Start at All” Episode No. 198 (Subtitles)
Isn’t about time you become that person you knew you always could be. How do you do that you break the f*ck old guys you get the out of bed when it’s cold when it’s early. You do something away from the normality of what you’ve been doing.
When everybody else says no this is not comfortable we shouldn’t do this you say yes mother F* I’m going to introduce myself to it.
You want to be great you want to be best mother F* ever at what you do you going be misunderstood by everybody cuz you’re going to be so obsessed and so driven to get there and that’s what it takes.
When people don’t understand you anymore you’ve arrived I don’t want to talk to you man cuz you’re not going to get it you will never understand what is wrong with me I’m so glad you don’t.
If you want to be exceptional you’re going to be different from everyone else that’s What Makes You exceptional you can’t fit in and also be exceptional both have discomfort when you fit in you have internal conflict because you’re not being 100% you. when you’re exceptional you have external conflict because everyone sees you as different pick one. When your friends start to say you’ve changed remember it’s because they don’t know how to say you grown.
You’re crazy until you’re successful then you’re a genius people think you’re too obsessed you’re a weirdo people will convince you you’re out of your mind for wanting to to do this but then once you’re successful they’re like yo your drive your tenacity was great but it’s like yeah well where was that back then. I think you’re crazy until you’re successful then you’re a genius.
It’s only delusional until it works so is it really delusional once the world see it there’s nothing delusional about it now your delusion becomes oh he was a genius if you’re going to try go all the way otherwise don’t even start if you’re going to try go all the way this could mean losing girlfriends wives relatives jobs and maybe your mom mind go all the way there’s no other feeling like that you’ll be alone with the gods and the nights will flame with fire. All the way, all the way it’s the only good fight.
There is everybody asked me the question they wanted to know what I would do if I didn’t win I guess we’ll never Know.