“It’s Not Over Until I Win” Episode No. 204 (Subtitles)
Repeat after me please. It’s possible, I can live my dream, it’s necessary, I work on myself, surround myself with winners, become creative, it’s me, I’ve got to make it happen. Yes it’s possible that you can choose your future and direct the course of your life as you run toward your dream it’s necessary that you have goals, that you write those goals down, that you plan, that you think constantly of how you can begin to improve what it is that you’re doing.
If it’s your presentations, if it’s your recruiting skills whatever that is it’s also necessary that you look for ways to always find a way to pull it out when everybody else think that you a defeated. That you’ve got to take personal responsibility to know that in order to become successful you’ve got to make it your personal business. It’s very important as you hold on to that dream there are moments when you’re going to doubt yourself there are rough times are going to come but they have not come to stay they have come to pass.
It’s very important for you to know that don’t say I’m having a bad day. ay I’m having a character building day. It’s very important for you to believe that you are the one to make this happen and I’m saying to you, what if all of us took that attitude after we Face a rejection and a no or we have a meeting and no one shows up or somebody say you can count on me and they don’t come through.
What if we have that kind of attitude the cars repossessed nobody believes in you you’ve lost again and again and again the lights are cut off but you’re still looking at your dream reviewing it every day and saying to yourself it’s not over over until I win.