“Pain is Temporary, Keep Fighting, Stay Fired Up!” Episode No. 206 (Subtitles)
Motivation is it’s kind of a strange word because it doesn’t really mean what we think it means. We think it means that we’re fired up to do something we think that it means we’re eager and passionate to make something happen. And we think that somehow we should just be able to turn on that eagerness and turn on that passion but we can’t…
Cuz you just can’t turn on passion you can’t just turn on the desire to execute a task. So to motivate someone is to explain to them why they’re doing what they’re doing how it will help them, where it’ll take them why they should continue to work to struggle and to fight why you are doing.
What you are doing remind yourself that this struggle, this temporary pain, this fight, this fight that you’re in, this is what will make you stronger faster and smarter and better and then, with that motivation go forward into The Fray, into the Storm, into the heat of the battle where Victory is forged.
What do you do on the days when you’re just not feeling it? Those days those days when I’m tired or worn out or just basically sick of the grind, what do I do on those days? I go anyways. I get it done even if I’m just going through the motion.s I go through the motions. I don’t really want to work out I work out I I really don’t want to hammer on a project. I hammer on the Project. Don’t really want to get up and get out of bed, yeah I get up and get out of bed.
Now these could be signals that you need some time off and those signal, signals might be right. They could be correct but don’t take today off not today wait until tomorrow. Don’t don’t give in to the immediate gratification that is whispering in your ear.
Shut that down do not listen to that little voice instead go through the motions LIFT the weights, Sprint the hill, work on the project, get out of bed, you need to get things done but if you are going to rest that is one thing that you should procrastinate on that’s the one thing I want you to put off until tomorrow and if when tomorrow comes you still feel like you need to rest or you need to take a break then okay.
Take it but the chances are you won’t you won’t need that rest, chances are you will realize that the desire to rest was just weakness, it was just the desire to take the path of least resistance the downhill path the easy path.