What’s Stopping You From Becoming Successful? Episode No. 200 (Subtitles)
What’s stopping you are you too tired? didn’t get enough sleep? don’t have enough energy? don’t have enough time? is that what’s stopping you right now that the thing or is the thing that’s stopping you ‘you.’
What do I do on those days. I go anyways I get it done even if I’m just going through the motions I go through the emotions I don’t really want to work out I work out. I.. I really don’t want to hammer on a project I hammer on the project. Don’t really want to get up and get out of bed yeah I get up and get out of bed. How do you overcome fear of failure or fear of success or or fear of fear itself?
You step and how do you face the fear of the unknown you step don’t wait anymore don’t think anymore don’t plan anymore don’t contemplate anymore don’t make any more excuses or justifications don’t rationalize anything else no no and no.